Friday, November 5, 2010

Mother's Intuition

As a fundraising opportunity for her New York trip,
Summer was signed up to run the Snack Shack
at her school yesterday from 3:30 (when school
gets out) until 7pm. We knew it would make for
a very long day for her, but she needs to make
the money for her trip. While running out the door
to pick up Ty and Syd, I realized I didn't have my
cell phone. Knowing that I was going to a PTO
meeting, I wasn't worried. I wouldn't be
answering the phone during the meeting anyway.
After the meeting I headed over to watch a
little bit of Sydney's basketball practice. At
around 4:00, Ty and I went to pick up our
central vac from the repair shop on the other
side of town. That's when it hit me:
"Go check on Summer." It was just a
small feeling. Nothing overpowering or
earth shattering. I asked Ty if he wanted
to go buy a treat from Summer. Of course he
did. We headed over there 3 hours before the
scheduled pick up time. As I turned into the
school, I noticed the marquee didn't say anything
about basketball games. Weird, I thought. Then
I saw it...Summer's backpack. What? Why?
Then I saw her. She was sitting all alone on
a bench in front of the office. As soon
as she saw me, the tears started to flow. A
simple scheduling mistake by her ALP teacher
led to one of the worst experiences of her life.
She had tried my cell, the house phone, and
her dad's cell from the office phone. NO
ANSWERS! I learned my lesson. I will keep
that phone on me at all times and...
most's time to get
Summer a cell phone! All in all,
she is healthy, happy, & fine.
Just a little too scary to think
of her all alone for what could
have been 3 1/2 hours!


Rachael said...

How scary! I am surprised that a teacher didn't stay at the school with her. I was left for hours in the front of the high school waiting for my mom...all the time! It sucked!!!

Jannica Larson said...

How sad! I'm glad she wasn't stuck there that whole time!

kandy said...

Thanks for listening to that still small voice and being a great mom! I love you both. PS Summer don't abuse that cellphone!