Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Goodbye Grandpa Blaine!

I wish I could play a fun April Fools Prank
today, but Grandpa had bigger plans at
2:30 this morning. He decided it was time
to go live with his wife, again. He always
had a fun sense of humor, so I guess
he picked a good day. pictures with my mom & uncle
Grandpa Blaine was a hero to all of his children,
grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. We
all had wonderful relationships with him
in our own ways. He truly made each one
of us feel loved and special. The last time I
spoke with him, he told me how much he loves
me and how proud he was. What wonderful
words he blessed me with. He will be missed
so much, but I know his reunion with Grandma
made it all worth it. And to think, Grandma has
her mind in working order again! I sure do love
the two of them! I was one lucky grand-daughter!


Jen Rose said...

Oh Jen - I'm so sorry to hear that. Hopefully your family is all doing ok and just know you are in my thoughts and prayers!

Heather Rice said...

I'm sorry Jen. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.-Love,Heather

kandy said...

Thanks for the great pictures and thoughts. You really could talk to him about the important things better than anyone. He was almost as proud of you as I am.