Thursday, May 19, 2011

I have a high school-er! AHHHHHhhhh!!!

 We just got back from Summer's
Promotion (Graduation) Ceremony.
She is officially a high school-er.
Leah made Jr. High bearable for her.
She has grown up so fast.  I miss
my little chubby kindergartner.  I am
so glad that Ty looks so much like her.
He is keeping me young and reminding
me so much of his oldest sister.
 Mrs. DeWitt was Summer and Leah's favorite
teacher.  They both were lucky enough to have
her as their homeroom teacher & that is where
they met.  I am so grateful that they found each
other as the new students at a big school this 
year.  We were so happy to learn that Mrs.
DeWitt got a job teaching at the high school.
Unfortunately, Summer and Leah are both 
in AP English and Mrs. DeWitt isn't teaching 
AP.  There is a possibility that she might next
year.  We have our fingers crossed!
One teacher they will surely miss is Mr. Swenson.
He has a crazy, fun personality and he made
History fun.  Too bad he isn't moving on to
the high school.  Watch out Mingus Union 
High School.  You have two freshman headed
your way that will rock your world!  :0)
Congrats girls!!!


Eric and Tammy Mitchell said...

wow how does that happen. You are just starting and I am just finishing High schoolers forever.
Where do the years go?

Rachael said...

Wow! A High Schooler! Yikes!!! I was just thinking how Alexis will be going into YW in less than 2 months and that freaks me out!!!!

kandy said...

Way to go Summer! Are you ready for Seminary too!

Becky Macbeth said...

She's sooooo old! Crazy that she could be one of my students next year if you lived here! OH, I wish, I wish, I wish!